Sunday, December 27, 2009

Different cultures usually have different cultures, that is why they call them different cultures!

There's a guy at work who doesn't quite grasp the concept of different cultures.

He thinks everything all over the world is exactly the same as it is in his back yard.

I tell him about things in England and he can't comprehend a lot of it as he has absolutely no frame of reference for anything different to his own life.

He thinks I'm joking about a lot of things.

A couple of weeks go we were talking about one of the company's offices in Dubai and a customer working in Algeria.

He decided that there was no point in contacting the office in Dubai to get the information the customer in Algeria needed as it was almost Christmas and everyone would be on holiday.

I explained to him that not everyone celebrated Christmas so it would be normal working hours for them so he should still do the work.

This totally blew his mind!

At first, there was a look of confusion plastered across his face and the only word he managed to get out was a mumbled "huh?".

I told him again that not everyone in the world celebrates Christmas.

After a few minutes of considering this statement he declared it untrue.

I assured him that Christmas was a Christian holiday and not everyone celebrated it.

His reply: "Well, they'll still be closed because they know we celebrate it."


Do you fast during Eid because you know Muslims do? I still expect to be able to go for a curry if I want to.

I honestly wonder what they teach in US schools when the rest of the world is studying history and geography.