Thursday, December 17, 2009

I know you're being polite but making me run is NOT doing me a favour!

At what point does holding a door open for someone stop being a favour?

If someone is following you through a door, it's an easy decision to hold it open for them.

But making someone feel that they have to speed up to get there is not doing them a favour, unless you're on a train and they're about to be sliced in two.

If they are a long way behind you, it's ok to let the door close.

I know there is that awkward distance in between where you're unsure of what to do. You don't want to seem rude, but it's actually not helpful to either person. The person holding the door could have already gone on their way but now their just stood there waiting.

But it is even worse for the person who is supposedly having the favour done for them. They don't want to seem ungrateful so they do that shuffling run/walk where they're not actually moving any quicker but at least they appear to be making an effort.

I don't know about you but I'm ok walking at my own pace. I can open a door thank you very much.