Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yes, I paid, so I bloody should get one when I buy one!

In the US they have these special deals called Buy one, Get one.

It's similar to the deals you get in Britain except it doesn't make sense.

In Britain, they have Buy one get one free offers, delightfully abbreviated to BOGOF. This is a good deal. You buy something, and get another identical item free, so you end up with two for the price of one, or both of them for half price, however you want to look at it.

In the states its Buy one, Get one.

So if you buy one of something you get one of the things you bought. That's not a deal! That's just how shopping works!

If I buy one, I should bloody well get the one I bought.

If only they added that extra word at the end of the offer it would make much more sense.