Thursday, February 25, 2010

All this ringing in my ears is giving me tinitus

I love those cordless phones we have in the house.

My wife just phoned to let me know she's on her way home but I was in the other room so obviously the first place I headed to was the kitchen where the phone is plugged in.

Only it's never there is it?

So then I have to run around the house trying to find it and by the time I do, it's stopped ringing so I start calling her back but it goes straight to her voicemail because she's now ringing me on my mobile, which is in the other room where I was until the house phone started ringing.

By the time I get back to my mobile it's stopped ringing but then I have to wait a few minutes to try phoning her back in case there's another phone in another room she can try first.

This happens every single time.